Passion, expertise and, above all, hard work must be rewarded. That is why the Belgian horse sector is now joining forces to grant it’s best breeders a financial bonus. After all, the best breeders in Belgium are also the best breeders in the world.
The Belgian Breeder’s Bonus aims to support and acknowledge the vast amount of expertise and success that our country has gained over many years in the breeding of sport horses. Each Belgian breeder with registered horses in the Belgian Warmblood Horse or Zangersheide studbooks and which is active in showjumping, is eligible for this bonus.
The Belgian Breeder’s Bonus has been developed and supported by the following organisations: Koninklijke Belgische Ruitersport Federatie, the studbooks Belgian Warmblood Horse and Zangersheide, Paardensport Vlaanderen, Ligue Equestre Wallonie Bruxelles, Belgische Confederatie van het Paard, Confédération Wallonie Bruxelles du Cheval, Hippomundo and PaardenPunt Vlaanderen. All partners has raised a total sum of 90,000 Euros.
The Belgian Breeder’s Bonus is reserved for the horses of Belgian breeders registred in the studbooks who make a financial contribution: BWP and Zangerheide.
The distribution for 2022 will be done according to the ranking of Hippomundo which is based on the prize money earned by the highest ranked horse per breeder in 2022. The winners will be the 30 eligible breeders with the highest place on this ranking list at midnight on 31/12/2022.
As listed below, the breeder that is ranked first will receive 15,000 Euros. From the 6th till the 30th place each breeder will receive 2,000 Euros.
1. 15,000 Euros
2. 10,000 Euros
3. 7,500 Euros
4. 5,000 Euros
5. 2,500 Euros
6. up to and including 30: 2,000 Euros each
The 5 best breeders together with their partners will be invited to the Equigala 2023 to receive their cheque.