At 7.30 p.m. – Moerbeke-Waas
Tonight it starts : the BWP Elite Foal Auction. Address: Haringslede, Moerbeke-Waas !!! This is a new address , not yet known by all GPS systems; better to enter this address: Pereboomsteenweg (LRV Moerbeke-Waas). Can’t be present? Of course you can bid online, please first register at www.bwp.auction.
At this moment, the online biddings are already running on www.bwp.auction. At 6 p.m. the biddings will be stopped for a while and then, at 7.30 p.m. the live auction will start.
If you would like to bid by phone, you have to contact the auction committee in advance.
The following persons can be contacted :
Organization : Lieve de Greeff : +32 497 538 982
Commercial advice :
Boudewijn Schepers : +32 (0)474 45 37 16
Kurt Asselberghs : +32 (0)475 37 54 94
Sven Bols: +32(0)495 55 14 05