Third Phase BWP Stallion Approval: all stallions approved

Third Phase BWP Stallion Approval: all stallions approved

Following the Public Authorities decision, due to the Corona virus, the BWP Stallion Approval Event 2020 (Third Fase) had to be stopped early. As the breeding season is about to begin, a quick decision had to be taken as to the approval/non-approval of the yoiung stallions having participated in the third fase of the BWP Stallion Selection. In the meantime, it has become clear that an additional selection moment at short notice cannot be organised and that it is also not recommended to keep these young stallions in training any longer.

BWP attaches much importance to the Third Phase and to the evaluation of those prospects under the saddle. Nevertheless, in deliberation with the parties concerned and in the interest of continueing the ghood functionoing of BWP, it has been decided to definitively approve all stallions, aged 3 to 8 years, who participated in the third phase. Five older stallions, aged 9 yeras and more, already got their approval.

The young stallions will later, as usual, after five covering seasons,  be evaluated on the basis of their sports results in Young Horses Competitions LRV/KBRSF and in the Stallion Competition.

BWP is aware of the fact that , in this way, the normal selection procedure is not followed and that this large number of young stallions makes the choice more difficult for the breeders. BWP calls upon the breeders to give these young stallions chances, but to take into account the available information when choosing a breeding stallion. BWP whishes the breeders lots of success for the coming breeding season.

The list of approved stallions 2020.

In the April edition of EquiTime, these stallions will be presented once more with photo and information concerning their damline. 

This arrangement does not apply to the BRp Stallion Inspection. The ponies studbook committee will also examine as soon as possible how the matter will be handled for the BRp stallions.