Information dam line: HAN-Jabita
1° DAM: PICCOLA, Jump. 1m30
Offspring: Piri Piri 4 (Perigueux), Jump. 1m20
Offspring: Vito 58 (Valentino), Jump. 1m20
Cayvado descends from the Hannoverian maternal line Jabita who produced several international jumping horses, among them Simon Delestre’s GP horse Gain Line (by Stolzenberg). He is a well-developed stallion with an attractive front. He is easy to work by the test riders and he moves ground covering. He jumps with a good front leg technique, body use and power.
Type :
Cayvado is a strongly developed stallion with a lot of stallion expression. He has a very good rectangular conformation. His front is attractive with a well-shaped neck. He has a well-developed shoulder. He has a well-developed withers. The back and loins are strong. The croup is slightly ‘roof-shaped’. The hindquarter is muscular.
Legs :
The legs have a good length and are well-developed. The stance of the legs is correct. The feet are amply developed.
Movements :
The walk is amply covering, has impulsion but could be slightly more supple. His walk is strong with a lot of ground cover and impulsion. The canter is covering and well-jumped. He walks and trots correct and with impulsion on hard ground.
Free jumping :
He shows good overview during free jumping. He jumps with a good front leg technique and body use. He shows good power.
Riding under test riders :
He has much willingness to work under the saddle and the ‘rittigkeit’ is good. The riders experience an average feeling of the mouth. In walk and trot the feeling is good. The canter is covering and powerful but slightly downhil.
Jumping under the saddle :
He shows quality during the jumping under the saddle, but he could he sometimes could jump back more on the jump. The front leg technique is good and he uses his body sufficient. He shows good power.
Evaluation dam : Piccola, °2016, 1m65
Score registration main studbook Hannover (scale to 10):
Head - 7, Nick – 8, Withers - 7 , Frame - 7 , Front legs - 7, Hind legs – 7
Type, breed and sex - 8, Conformation - 7, Correctness Movements - 7, Suppleness and impulsion - 6, Walk – 7, General impression and development – 7
ZSP-test (scale to 10):
Walk - 7 , Trot – 6.5, Canter – 6.5, Rittigkeit – 8.25 , Jumping talent – 8.5
This report concerns a evaluation of the stallion during the second and/or third phase of the BWP stallion selection. It is a description of the observations during these moments. Depending on the further development of the stallion some characteristics can change.
BENJI VAN'T DAPVELD | 04-07-2024 |