Information dam line: BRP009
1° DAM: Divina, PF-label, Jump LRV DL 1m (BEL)
Offspring: Ilias van de Vondelhoeve (Calipso van de Vondelhoeve), P-label, Jump LRV DM 1m10, Dr.LRV DL2, Jump Nat. 1m20 (BEL) - Jerome van de Vondelhoeve (Calipso van de Vondelhoeve), E- en P-label, G.H., Jump LRV DM 1m10, Dr.Int. (BEL) - Mora van het Koetshuis (Calipso van de Vondelhoeve), Jump LRV DM 1m10 (BEL) - Nimf van het Koetshuis, Jump LRV DL 1m (BEL) - Angel van het Koetshuis (Calipso van de Vondelhoeve), elite foal - Renske van het Koetshuis (Calipso van de Vondelhoeve), elite foal - Violet van het Koetshuis (Calipso van de Vondelhoeve), elite foal, Jump Nat. 95cm (BEL) - Unesco van het Koetshuis (Calipso van de Vondelhoeve), elite foal
2° DAM: Topmindra, E- en P-label, Jump LRV DL 1m, Dr.LRV DL1 (BEL)
3° DAM: Natalie
OTHER RELATIVES: Apollo van het Koetshuis (Top Magic van de Groenheuvel), Elite foal, G.H. - Bellini van het Koetshuis (Top Magic van de Groenheuvel), Elite foal - Davina van het Koetshuis (Top Magic van de Groenheuvel), Elite foal- Valentina van het Koetshuis (Kanshebber), Jump Nat. 1m (BEL)
Slightly classical-looking pony who could not develop completely due to an accident. However, he recovered well and has ample basic gaits and a ‘heart’ to jump the fences.
Type : Slightly classical-looking type, strong with a good topline, lacks some ‘snittigkeit’.
Legs : Good feet, good legs.
Movements : The walk is rhythmical, ample covering and powerful. The trot is sufficiently covering, with a good shoulder, but he lacks some power in the hindquarter. He has a balanced canter with an ample bending and power.
Jumping under the saddle : He is easy to ride. However, he does not always stay straight (probably because of less experience due to the accident) and therefore he is not always approaching the fence well. He valuates the fence well and jumps with much persuasion in any situation. His technique and take-off are good. He shows ample ability.